Wednesday, February 17, 2010

News from the Homefront

I hate having so many sites to look at that require passwords and usernames. I know, security. Don't remind me. Can't keep the same username/password combo for everything because everything you use can be compromised. Fair enough. I started keeping a written list. It's 3 pages in a spreadsheet format. It has writing over almost every bit of it in addition to the "site/username/password/security question/changed password" list. It's been used as a canvas for my kids' artwork (pencil scribbling). It's got addendums to the addendums. I don't have it completely updated. Then some of my sites were absorbed by other companies and I was supposed to merge info.
People, I can't always remember to pay my bills on time. I'm the SAHM to two toddlers, my brain is mush on the best of days~please please please don't hit me with crap like this! I know, I know-it should make it easier to access multiple sites with one username/password. I just don't know which those sites ARE.

Luckily, I can start blogging again. Like anyone is interested, or like I'll keep it up to date.

It's as good a place as any to rant though.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Vacation-I think I still need one!

Visiting Indiana family for my youngest brother's 30th birthday.

The two little ones got to jump on a trampoline for the first time. It was fine as long as the bigger kids stayed off!

We got back safely, as expected. I'm worn out! I slept like a dead person last night, as did the babies. None of us slept the whole night through since Wednesday! I'm glad to have seen everyone, but Gah! I hate to travel.
Today I worked in the garden, weeding, feeding, digging out a place for my herbs, planting some more seeds. My german chamomile has a flower just starting and it smells so good! Tomatoes and peppers are flowering and growing. Peas have created a tunnel and it looks like a weedy jungle in there. Arugula and both types of spinach have had insects. My parsley trees are being borne down with their own weight. Carrots need to be thinned. I'm not in the mood, I have stuff to play with!!

I'm still in the middle of a ton of projects. More looming on the horizon. Swap partners probably feel like I'm not a great person to be teamed with. Patience, please! I will pull it all together. At the last minute, probably, but I'll get it done. That's what I keep telling myself, anyway :P

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Sunday, May 31, 2009


Tomorrow is our 2-year anniversary.  We went to Erie yesterday to catch a movie, do some shopping, and eat.  We ate breakfast at Perkins on the way there and were so full that we didn't want lunch.  We stopped in at a yarn store on 26th street.  Very nice, but I just didn't find anything I had to have.  I was also "saving myself" for the next yarn store.  The one we couldn't find!  So no new yarn for me.  He bought me shoes at Walmart.  We looked at stuff in Home Depot.  We stopped in at a place called "All Seasons"-a market-style shopping experience that, while a cool idea, didn't do anything for me because so many people lately have close-out stuff and (imo) crap.   We shopped for fabric but decided against it as I have enough projects in the works.  We drooled over sewing machines and choked at the prices :P  We saw Star Trek and I cried.  I cried so hard, in fact, that I had a headache and didn't want to eat after the movie either.  So we came home without eating at any of our favorite restaurants :(  We've decided that Monday might be better.    
I enjoyed myself, spending the day with him :)  I got a lot done on a sock I have in progress, too!
Today I'm languishing in front of the computer but NEED to get outside and feed my garden!  Need to weed one of the beds by the house.  Need to make Friendship Bread (was supposed to do that yesterday, so I have to get it done today!).  Yikes.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

New Wheel, No Play!

So.  I ordered a new spinning wheel to replace my Joy.  The new one is an Ashford Traveller.  This one will allow me to use a jumbo flyer kit to make really heavy yarns and I'm super-excited about it!  She got here yesterday!!
This is a ganked pic from Ashford's website.  Mine is unfinished and probably will remain so throughout most of the summer.  I'm SURE that at some point I won't be able to spin, thereby freeing up the wheel for protecting.  I know, I know, I should have finished her while she was still in pieces!  Well, DH thought of that and didn't take all of the steps to "tighten her down" so to speak.  
I spun on her last night and have decided that she's enough of a replacement for my Joy that I can let her go.  I'm posting her on Rav first and if I don't get any takers, I'll put her up on Ebay.  
For now, though, I can't spin because DS won't let me.  He steals bobbins and stands on my feet while I'm treadling.  I have no excuse not to be picking up around the house, but you know I'm still trying to spin!  As for DH, I really hope he didn't expect to get the house clean after the Traveller got here :D

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I'm Feasting!

Things are looking up for me in the crafting department.  Since I joined the MaweluckyLove Group on Ravelry and decided to do a personal project, that is.  When I had only Babette's shawl on my needles-or off, if Ryan had gotten hold of it-I felt like I was adrift.  I kept going over and over in my head all of the things that I wanted to make to put in my Etsy store, but I still felt bored.  I joined the Nightsongs KAL and that, coupled with the lack of available money,  made me look at other groups (Spin or Dye Swapping, We Love to Barter, Handmade Barter) for something to do.  I got my something to do, all right!  Making crochet bowls for a mesh bag led to another job-making a string bag for a custom project bag that matches the mesh bag.  Which led to making a pair of lined mittens.  
*note* both the string bag and the mittens are WIPs at the moment.
I swapped a skein-and-two-thirds of brushstrokes cotton yarn for two quart-sized bags of lavender.
I am swapping fat quarters of my dyed muslin for spinning fiber.
I have done another spinning job for one of my ongoing Etsy customers, with another one planned, just waiting for fiber~AND I get to knit that one up for her!
I also have a swap going with a new Craftster buddy~she's making me bloomers while I make her knee socks!  Yay! 

On a side note, let me say that two successive pregnancies have left my body LOOKING "middle-aged" if not actually "pudding-ish".  I am seriously dissatisfied with pants that aren't sweats or p.j.s and am not quite ready to retire into my grandmother's housedresses or a muumuu.  I have a sudden, unexpected LUST for bloomers and country dresses and corset-ish spring smocky, wrappy, apron-y stuff!   You can see examples of my new addictions here.  

So yeah.  Feast or Famine.  Feasting, for sure!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Feeling Better

Things are definitely looking up for me. I haven't been in pain, I have more energy, and I don't have the brain fog that I did. I'm finished with the herbs and diet. So, here's what's up with my work;

Finished spinning the yarn and knit Amy's mittens
Finished the socks and a pair of fingerless hand warmers for Sheri
Am working on Babbette's shawl and have it about half done
Have fibers coming in to spin for a customer
Have made my very first batch of soap from lard, coconut oil, sweet almond oil, and added a tangerine scent
Have dyed and listed more muslin in my shop
Have dyed an Eddie Bauer shirt and trying to decide whether to sell or keep it

The things that I need to do yet are;

Comb and spin more fiber
Knit a ton!
Work on mom's curtains
Get more items into my tiny little shop
Make more soap with more scents, oils, additions, etc.
Make paper from rags

Ok, I'm off!