Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tuesday Morning

So I finished the mittens Sunday night, yay me! I also started the socks for Sheri, but over the course of Monday got halfway through the foot and then frogged it as it was too big. I did do a gauge swatch, but apparently didn't do something right. Then I had to start over again since one of the babies pulled a needle out on a short row and I just didn't feel like trying to re-place those stitches. Now I'm almost halfway through the foot again and things are better. I believe that this will actually FIT. I love the way the knitted fabric feels in my hands.
Lala thinks (and I agree with her) that I have ADD. I'm never satisfied with anything for long and that's why I have 3 million things all going on at one time. I very rarely actually finish anything at one time. I'm doing better on these custom jobs though, but my mind does wander to other things...and I get up and get on the computer and look at rovings and handspun yarn a lot. I also think about custom jobs that I have for other people. I almost wonder if my tendency to have more than one job on my plate has helped me to combine ideas i.e., the upcycled journal and the artwork of Diana. That can be a good thing, though, can't it? Being able to meld mediums?

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