Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Feeling Better

Things are definitely looking up for me. I haven't been in pain, I have more energy, and I don't have the brain fog that I did. I'm finished with the herbs and diet. So, here's what's up with my work;

Finished spinning the yarn and knit Amy's mittens
Finished the socks and a pair of fingerless hand warmers for Sheri
Am working on Babbette's shawl and have it about half done
Have fibers coming in to spin for a customer
Have made my very first batch of soap from lard, coconut oil, sweet almond oil, and added a tangerine scent
Have dyed and listed more muslin in my shop
Have dyed an Eddie Bauer shirt and trying to decide whether to sell or keep it

The things that I need to do yet are;

Comb and spin more fiber
Knit a ton!
Work on mom's curtains
Get more items into my tiny little shop
Make more soap with more scents, oils, additions, etc.
Make paper from rags

Ok, I'm off!

Friday, March 6, 2009

New News

Wow, have I got a headache! It's stress-induced, of course. I've gotten a new prescription for glasses. I replaced the lenses in my good wire frames with Transitions and got new contacts for astigmatism. I've started a diet of NO sugar, no white flour, no mushrooms, no vinegar to try combating my fibromyalgia. I actually do feel somewhat better, pain-wise! It was a 15-day trial run with large amounts (imho) of acidophilus and can-sol. Do you have any idea what my diet has been lately? Apples, Bananas, corn chips, any meat I want without any sauces (sugar and/or vinegars in everything I like), no bread at all. Fruit and meat. Ahh, to be Eve after the Fall. Every single day I contemplate quitting the diet, but balance that with the pain I was in before~I can eat "rough" for a few more days :)
Cheryl sent me the gorgeous stacker ring set with amethyst and labradorite stones so I've moved rings around on my fingers. That's always a large "deal" for me. I don't know why, but I view rings as important accesories, something to be given a lot of consideration. I have one more on the way, and that will be enough rings for this stage of my life.
I've finished all of the promised knits except for Babette's shawl. It's in progress and I now have a spinning project in queue. Then I have to get started putting cool items in my tiny shop. It always feels so bare when I go there, and I'm tired of seeing the same 5 things all the time.
I have to go to the library and return books, too. I need to find my brain.
First though, I have to eat lunch.